Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Visitors etc.

Jace has had many visitors as of late. It seems people are trying to get one more visit in with Jacer before he has a little sister move in.

Two weeks ago, Erin spent the entire weekend with Jace...and he loved every minute. That Sunday, Grandma and Aunt Kay visited for the day.

Hanging with Erin....Jace really was happy

Play-doh with Grandma

Riding the horse at the mall. Grandma gave away the secret that they actually move. Mommy never puts money in because 75 cents seems a little excessive.

This past Sunday, Nana came for the day. Jacer had a great time again and tried everything in his power to get her to stay when it was time to leave.

Playing trains with Nana

Taking Nana's picture

She definitely needed help with her shoes

Aside from out of town visitors, Jace has been spending plenty of time with Daddy. They continue to go to UNI games (Jace says the Black Bear...better known as TC the Panther..is his best friend)and just hang out at home.

Reading books

Diggin' for gold??

Today is another snow day for Mommy and Jace so they are spending it doing Peanette's laundry (is it bad that it took Mommy nearly 20 minutes to cut tags off?) and making cookies.

A few more recent Jacesims....

Jace: Can I have this Mommy?
Mommy: No.
Jace: (after a pause) or yes?
Mommy: No.
Jace: or yes?

Jace: Mommy, Morgan is having a baby. (This is his favorite little girl at daycare he often refers to as his girlfriend.) It's a girl and it moves in her belly.
Mommy: AHHHHH! (Mommy thought she wouldn't be having this conversation for at least another decade!!)


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