Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Sara

Mommy was sitting around on her bum the other day when Dr. Phil came on tv with a magical potty training solution. He guaranteed in 1 day that your child would be going on the potty. Hmmm. Mommy was intrigued. She diligently wrote down his instructions and got started.

The first step was buying a baby doll. Mommy does tend to frequent Walmart so this step was easy. Check. (Although Daddy was a bit confused when Mommy returned with an actual doll. Apparently he was under the impression it would be a 'manly' doll like Thomas. Mommy politely explained she wasn't sure where trains went potty but was pretty sure they didn't need training.)

The next step was introducing the doll to Jace and choosing a name. (Sara seemed to be his fav.).

Third, Mommy told Jace that he was going to teach Baby Sara how to go on the potty. Enthusiastic would be an understatement...Jace thought this was the coolest thing EVER! So, Jace took off her diaper and gave her some of his big boy undies to wear. (They were Thomas underwear so maybe that makes having a doll a little more manly).

Next, Jace showed Sara where to go when she felt the...urge. He sat her on the potty and waited. And waited. Finally Mommy poured some water down her throat, which in turn allowed a small trickle to flow into the potty. Jace was overjoyed!!

The last step was to have a party for Baby Sara. (Complete with blowhorns!)Jace thought this was the best thing ever and probably would have stood there and blown his horn until he passed out. However, Mommy was anxious to get to the point.

The real final step (according to brilliant Phil) is then to have your child sit on the potty so they can earn their reward (which is a trip to Chuck E. Cheese for Jace). Here's pretty much how that dialogue went:

Mommy: Ok, Jace's turn! Are you ready to do it now so we can have another party?
Jace: No.


Rachel said...

This is too funny! Not because I think you're silly, but because I completely understand! I bought "Potty train your child in 1 day" two days ago. I'm at a conference this week, so I haven't actually started training. I'm just sooo ready to quit buying diapers. Plus, I don't want to have to worry about it by the time school starts! I plan to implement the strategies in the next few weeks. If the book works, I'll mail it to you next week! If it doesn't, I'll be exchanging it for a baby doll :) Good Luck!

Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

Ha ha! Nice try mommy- that jacer is a little too smart for Dr. Phil.

mishler clan said...