Monday, February 23, 2009

Adios Vacation!

Daddy's vacation was officially over this morning. It's a sad thing for everyone. Daddy must return to the daily grind. Jace must return to getting up and getting off to daycare. Mommy must return to getting herself out the door with time to actually DROP Jace off at daycare. Ozzy must return to.....well Ozzy must return to resting alone in a quiet, peaceful house. Hmmm, maybe not EVERYONE will be sad to see Daddy's vacation end!
Daddy and Jace were livin' it up the last few days, doing 'man things', and just spending quality time together.

It's safe to say that those are some BIG shoes to fill!

The last few nights Jace has actually stayed on top of his bed....huge sigh of relief.

On Sunday a road trip seemed to be in order. Ok, actually on Saturday a road trip seemed to be in order but it was the same old song and dance. Jace plans a snows. Jace stays home for a few snow. Jace plans another snows. You get the idea. Back to the story.....Jace, Mommy, and Daddy headed down to Nana and Papa C.'s for the day on Sunday. Once again, the greatest invention EVER (car dvd player) was a Godsend and occupied little man the entire way. Upon arriving, Jace was given some good eats and plenty of attention. Nana had even gotten a whole box of toys for Jace to play with for the day! A trip to the Children's Museum and pizza ended a great day! Jace had a wonderful time sans nap of course! You didn't think he would pull a fast one on us and actually NAP did you?

Jace and Nana doing what??? Pushing around contraptions with wheels!!??? Certainly not Jace!

Leave it to Jace to be somewhere with tons of cool things to do....and play with the little vehicles all day!

Daddy used a smidge too much zoom for Mommy's liking but this is actually her and Jace attempting to go down the slide together. Apparently it was fun because Mommy did it several more times (by request) to appease Jace.

Piano Man himself.....

Plowing the fields

Daddy and Jace....doing another rough, tough, masculine activity. Yes, they are playing the bells.