Friday, December 19, 2008


Jace and Mommy had their first snow day of the year today. Although it about drove Mommy nuts being absolutely unable to get her car out (due to 10+ inches of snow), her and J had a great day. There are even pics to prove it!

Of course no day can really begin until you brush your teeth with your SINGING THOMAS TOOTHBRUSH!

Isn't garland meant for driving trains on?

Jace didn't even get a chance to take his gifts for his teachers and classroom to daycare today. It was pretty difficult to sit around with a present wrapped in Thomas paper all day and not open it!

Getting ready to try out his new snowpants....aren't they too cute?


Over Thanksgiving it started to snow one day and Grandpa F. taught Jace how to catch it with his tongue. Now he does it whenever he sees snow!


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