Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lots 'o Celebrating!


There has been a lot to celebrate recently in Jace's world.
First, Cousin Kona graduated from Doggy School a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately Aunt Erin and Tom were in Florida for the actual graduation ceremony but they do have a very nice picture of Kona with his diploma--which will be shared when Aunt Erin REMEMBERS to send it to Mommy.

Also, there have been several birthdays recently. Grandpa Steve celebrated his birthday last weekend. Nana Cook is having her special day today! Of course we won't get in to numbers associated with these birthdays. :) Happy Birthday!
And last but not least, Jace's buddy Preston has a new baby brother--Ashten Jayce. He was a bign' (at over 9 lbs.) but that was somewhat expected. Congratulations to Preston and his Mommy and Daddy!! We can't wait to meet the new little addition!

(in case you are wondering, this is Jace looking excited.....Mommy told him to look excited and clap)