Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Bunch of Monkeys

Yesterday Jace went with Mommy, his cousins, Fabulous Aunts, Grandma, AND Nana to the zoo and to Chuck E. Cheese. He had a great time---it isn't too often that he gets to see both Grandma and Nana at the same time! As they say... a picture says a thousand words..... so we'll get right down to them:

Checking out the band with Nana

Jace stopped by Nana and Papa's house after eating and scored some cool trucks!

Having a little conversation with Abby. Jace's end went something like this "bubuhoo joiiilkslk slkdie?"

What a stud! Walking with one of the big boys--Jarrett. It is hard to tell in this picture and there isn't one of all 3 boys-Jace, Jarrett, and Tate- but apparently the same cow licked each one of them. They all have the same hair going on--it really does add character!

Playing with BOTH Grandma F. and Nana C. at Chuck E. Cheese

Giving Chuck some lovin'

Playing with Grandma--Jace's favorite thing at Chuck E. Cheese was the slide that didn't even cost any tokens! Who knew you could have fun without spending any money!

This was referred to as the 'Jace Buffet'. Most of the kids were starving halfway through the zoo so food was piled on Jace's tray and it was a free for all. The adults, of course, were even more famished than the kids!

Mommy and Jace riding the train. Jace really is thrilled--this is his 'in awe' face!

There is a group shot that Fabulous Aunt Kay has on her camera. She will be showing us all just how Fabulous she really is as she learns how to email it to everyone. Now the pressure it on.....all of our loyal readers are WAITING to see this wonderful picture! :)


Mavi, Keenan, and Braylon said...

"I like your cwazy hair baby jace!" Love, Mavi