Friday, January 11, 2008

"The Ear Infection That Could"

Jace's ear has been inhabited by a very determined ear infection. We have been to the Dr. 4 times in the last month and he is on his 3rd round of antibiotics. It looks at this point like medicine is not going to work so we have an appointment with the ENT next Thurs. If Jace's ears still look red, it looks like the little man will be getting tubes. Jace has nobody but Mommy to thank for this one. Small, oddly shaped ears (on the inside that is) were indeed passed on to Mr. Jace, which in turn means, recurrent ear infections--or in his case a month long one! Tubes weren't on the top of our 'to do list' for this month but if it means helping Jace feel better and in turn, us getting a whole nights sleep, we are all for them! Today (at Jace's weekly Dr. visit) he had his 1-year-checkup. He actually lost a little weight which was attributed to being sickly for a month. He weighs a little under 20 lbs at this point. He is 29 3/4 inches long--sadly he has dropped to the 50th percentile. Mommy is trying not to get too down about this--the 50th is still good--it is still a place she has never and will never see. Otherwise, Jace is doing great! He says 5 words--when he feels like it, does 3 spontaneous signs--when it suits or benefits him, and tells us 'no' without hesitation. Jace also jabbers ALL DAY LONG! Many people have commented on this, including random people just passing us by. Also on Jace's new list of 'tricks' is talking back to Mommy. Mommy is glad she doesn't know what he is saying because it can't be pretty. If he doesn't want to do something or gets mad, Jace yells some unintelligible thing, furrows his brow, and clenches his fist. If Mommy attempts to talk some sense into Jace he replys with the same unintelligible, but very forceful, mumbo jumbo. Ahhhh, the terrible 1's. And on one final note (one Daddy will be none to happy to be sharing), a haircut may be in the forseeable future for Jacer. He has been called 'her' 3 times in as many days. Actually two of those times were during the same out to eat excursion but by separate people. Yes, a trim may be warranted.
Please don't be alarmed--we would not leave without any pictures. Here is a sampling of what Jace has been up to as a big, bad 1-year-old.

Out to eat before sending Aunt Erin off to learn more about the chiropractic gods.

Playing in the snow. Please note that this fun in the snow occured at the end of Jace's 2nd round of meds when Mommy thought (key word being thought) his ears were healed. As you can see there wasn't too much actual playing done anyway. For some reason Jace couldn't grasp the fact that he could still move his limbs under all that clothing--hence the mummy pose.

Shooting some hoops. It looks like we have a star in the making. According to Daddy, Jace scored 8 straight points on Wednesday. And don't think he is a selfish player who can only score--Jace and Mommy have a play in which Jace passes off to Mommy, who shoots and scores. Jace then gives Mommy a high 5! Assist for Jace!


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Dude that stinks...sorry to hear that you gotta get the tubes...a few of my buddy's around here have them and say it's not too bad...Hope your feeling better and ya I agree....get a haircut man...your looking a little shaggy like my uncle chris...not a good look! P