Saturday, December 22, 2007

Do not Panic.........

Just a note to all of our loyal blog not panic in the coming days if you are Jace-free for a while. We are heading to Grandma and Grandpa's for about a week and may not be able to upload pictures there. This is a test.......can you really go a week without seeing our sweet boy?
A few updates before we leave........
First, Mommy decided to try and get Jace off the bottle over the course of her 15 DAYS OFF!! Yay! Anyway today was day #1 and Jace did excellent. He only had a bottle in the morning! What a trooper! He drank several ounces of milk from his sippy cup and had some water as well.

Second.....the countdown is really on until Jace turns 1! Mr. Party Pants is having 2 birthday parties for this special year but has already been spoiled via the United States Postal Service. Our poor mailman is probably sick of delivering packages! Among the presents (one which we were given permission to open immediately) was Jace's giant Santa from Great Aunt Rita. He thought it was pretty cool......and then there was Ozzy. Ozzy thought it was even cooler! They take turns.....sort of.

And third.......drumroll please...................Jace took 2--count em---2 STEPS today! Turns out we can put the wheelchair on hold---he does have viable legs! Now keep in mind these were very literally 'baby steps' but Mommy couldn't have been prouder! She is sure there is only more fun waiting in the coming days!

And finally, a few pictures to keep your hearts warm and cozy!

Merry Christmas!!