Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bug, Bug, Go Away!

To those of you who haven't seen us in several weeks--count your lucky stars. This flu bug is becoming a major pest! Jace was sick last week--and is even still having some trouble keeping food in him. Then all 3 of the other kids at daycare got sick, then Ilene--our daycare lady--got sick. Next, Grandma F. came down with the flu! Mommy was feeling pretty smug about her top notch immune system on Thursday afternoon, when low and behold, Thurday evening, Mommy got sick! Now everybody seems to be on the mend but of course 'the bug' couldn't leave Daddy out! He is a little under the weather today! Whew! Cross your fingers that this week is better! Soooo, we haven't been doing much. In fact we've missed out on a bunch. Jace was supposed to go watch cousin Tracy try on wedding dresses in her very own fashion show this weekend. Boo. We were very sad to miss it! Jace was also supposed to hang with little Mikey D. What a bummer! Go away bug--nobody wants you here!!!
Anyway by Saturday afternoon we were feeling a little better and Sunday was even better than that. Jace and Mommy were able to squeeze some shopping, swinging, and household chores into the weekend, which brightened our day and made us feel great! Jace thinks it's the shopping that did the trick--who is Mommy to argue??

Jace's purchase on our shopping trip--A warm and cozy winter hat!

Finally some fresh air!

Jace loves helping Mommy fill up his tub.

Look at this big helper! Jace also loves to help unload the dryer. He does a great job of getting everything out but sometimes tries to throw it all back in!

We aren't sure how the little boogers are communicating but it seems Jace's cousin Keenan is a bad influence! Jace's newest hobby is going up the stairs....over and over and over! This isn't the only habit of Keenan's Jace has picked up.... Mommy dug the first morsel of dog food out of Jace's mouth the other day!

We wanted to tell Papa Cook that we hope he is feeling better! We are thinking about you!