Friday, October 19, 2007

What a lucky Mommy!

What a lucky Mommy I am to have such a fantastic boy. Of course I do take much credit since I did grow him. :)

There is something new everyday with this little guy--I can hardly keep up! This week his fav's are crawling under things and into small spaces--of course this seems like a good idea most of the time but once in a while he will get freaked out if he feels trapped.

Jace LOVES to do patty cake. If you start saying it he will stop whatever he is doing and start clapping along. The 'roll it' part is the cutest because his little hands get all sorts of twisted up! He is pretty proud though! Jace also started giving Ozzy kisses. Not sure how much Ozzy is appreciating them yet! Jace usually sneaks up on the Oz Man and plants a big one on his behind! I'm not putting a picture because it is actually quite gross. Jace kisses with his mouth open and tongue protruding---I'm not sure exactly how much of Ozzy's hair Jace consumes with each kiss!

I must add that Mommy isn't the only lucky one---Jace is so lucky to have such a talented mohawk doer for a mommy!

AND such a talented mohawk doer for a doggy--We call this the OzHawk! One swipe of Ozzy's big old tongue and Jace is ready to go out the door!

It is so hard to believe but Jace's older cuz Maveric turns 2 today!! Jace was sad he couldn't make it to the party but Mommy thought it would have been a little too long of a drive. We hope he had a great day!! Jace and Maveric hit it off in Denver this summer--more trouble will surely follow in future family outings!!

Happy Birthday!


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Thanks for the halloween card....I got that same book from Gramma this past weekend....hope to see you at thanksgiving!