Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back to Work!!

It has been Mommy's first week back at work and it has been an adjustment for everyone. Our little genius knew we'd be getting up earlier and slept 9 hours one night and almost 10 another!! However, being a little genius, he also realized daycare was not home and he decided not to eat there. Luckily that was short-lived--as we knew it would be since he has never refused food before!! Dropping him off was difficult at first. It was a good thing Mommy had a little drive to work to let the tears out---hers not Jace's. Jace gets to go home around 12:30 every day and spend the afternoon with Daddy. Although this has all been a little confusing for Jace, he really likes this time with Daddy. Mommy also appreciates it because Jace doesn't have to be in daycare all day long. Mommy was glad to get back to work and see all of the kids, however, she has started a countdown until summer!!

Off to Daycare!!


Anonymous said...

You and Mommy are very brave! I haven't got to check out the Daycare girls yet...Are there any cute ones at your Daycare??
Master P