Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend Away......postponed (i.e., cancelled, sianara, never happening, etc)

This post begins with one big SIGH. Mommy and Daddy have been planning a weekend getaway sans child for some time now (like 25 months in the making). A wonderfully relaxing, enjoyable weekend away while Jace was contently in the company of Grandma F. All plans were in perfect order. The hotel was booked. Restaurants were drooled over. Then came the weather report....snow. There has been no snow in this neck of the woods in almost a month....until now. The storm blew over and it really wasn't much to worry about.....until Friday morning. Jace woke up with a cough that could compete with the flippers at Sea World. This icky cough was followed with almost 15 minutes of being unable to catch his breath. Scary would be an understatement. Poor Jacer would try and talk but didn't even have enough air to get more than 1 word out. Finally, after sitting in front of the humidifier for a while, he was back to his usual self. Mommy and Daddy however, did not feel comfortable leaving him....and Grandma F. wasn't too thrilled with the idea of a 'can't catch your breath fit' either. In the end, Grandma came to just spend the day with Jace and all was well. Jace is fine...the Dr. didn't even want to see him.

Jace had a red rose waiting for Grandma when she arrived on Saturday. He played it perfectly too. This kid is seriously going to be a heartbreaker!

Of course Jace had to get some goodies as well...including a new Thomas book!

And more presents from Mommy and Daddy....M&M's which would prove very useful..but more on that later.

Ah yes, Jace and Daddy with some light reading material. Daddy has been relaxing, on vacay, teaching Jace the ways of the world. Speaking of vacay, Daddy had his time away on Wednesday night when he was away at a concert....hmmm looks like Mommy has some comp. time!

Finally, Jace SAT ON THE POTTY!! Please, don't get too excited....he didn't PRODUCE anything yet. This is a huge deal for Mommy and Daddy. Since the 'poop in the tub' incident, Jace has also been fearful of the potty. He would sit on it all day long...with his diaper on. Try and take his diaper off and he would nearly go into convulsions because he was so scared. Tonight was a turning point. After watching his brand spankin' new Elmo Potty movie he agreed to sit on the potty without a diaper! He was immediately rewarded with an M&M and subsequently would have sat there for hours. Score one for the parents!!