Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spiky Hair Saves The Day!

To those of you that have already heard this story and are laughing at Mommy....please refrain and let the others who haven't enjoy themselves.

Mommy is going to do a timeline to bring everyone up to speed on the happenings late last night.

7:00pm--Jace goes to bed just like any other night.

7:10 pm--Daddy leaves for volleyball league and a few drinks afterwards.

8:00pm-10:00 pm--Mommy relaxes in an empty living room, eating chocolate and watching classic 90210.

10:00pm--Mommy decides to head upstairs to bed and watch a little more of the boob tube.

10:01pm--Mommy goes in Jace's room to check on him one more time.

10:01 1/2pm--Mommy is looking in the dark only to see a huge pile of stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows on Jace's bed.

10:02pm--Mommy panics slightly thinking Jace is buried under all of that STUFF!!

10:02 1/2 pm--Mommy throws everything on the floor only to find AN EMPTY BED!!!

10:03-10:03 1/2 pm-- The following thoughts run through Mommy's mind in a mere 30 seconds: #$#$%!!! Where is Jace? Did someone come through the window and take him? Wasn't there just a 20/20 episode just like this??!!! Why didn't Ozzy bark? Is Daddy home? Did Jace go into our bedroom? No, can't be...his gate was still locked!! Am I sleepwalking? Stop...think....No I'm sure I'm awake!! Need to turn on the lights!!

10:03 1/2 pm--Mommy flips on the light in Jaces room and does a quick, frantic scan of the bedroom...NOTHING! Decides to call 911 because Jace has been kidnapped!

10:03 3/4 pm--Mommy notices a small, spiky strand of blonde hair oh-so-slightly sticking out from under Jace's bed. Mommy runs over and realizes that the small, spiky strand of blonde hair is CONNECTED TO JACE'S HEAD!

10:04pm--Mommy wedges a still sound asleep Jace out from under his very low sitting bed and heaves an enormous sigh of relief!!

How in the world did this happen you ask? Jace was literally all the way under his bed!! The ONLY thing sticking out was that ONE strand of hair! It's a mystery....although Mommy has a few maybe Jace inherited not only her horrible ears but also her infamous sleepwalking habit!!

Thank God (once again) for Spiky Hair!!!


Preston and Ashten's World said...

OMG!!! How freaky and funny!!! Glad to hear he is adjusting to the big boy bed so well!