Sunday, February 8, 2009

Above Freezing!!

Jace has had the luxury of having multiple days ABOVE FREEZING! The word 'outside' has been uttered thousands (literally) of times over the last few days. Needless to say, Jace has been sleeping well at night. Other than enjoying the nice weather, Jace hasn't been up to much lately. He went to the UNI game today with Daddy, Mommy, and a couple of other friends. He was an amazing boy....seriously he loved watching and didn't complain once. Mommy knew he would want to go to college at UNI....on basketball scholarship of course. What boy wouldn't want to stay at home and live with their Mommy for their freshman year at college. Ahem. Moving on....Jace is hilarious. That is really the only way to put it. He literally cracks Mommy and Daddy up on a regular basis. One never knows what the child might say. His newest thing is calling Mommy...MommI. That is mom and then the letter I. It is so funny because he is totally serious when he says it. No idea where it came from but Mommy secretly hopes it sticks around for a while because it makes her laugh.

Maybe there is more to it than Jace just loving basketball....could it be that he's in it for the popcorn??? Please take note of the belly too. Yeah, about halfway through the game Jace asked Mommy to see her belly. She politely declined.

This is from Jace's Thomas table. He thinks he is hilarious when he sits in it. The other night he came to get Mommy and said, 'Sit MommI'. Of course Mommy obliged but was lucky to get the thing off of her behind afterwards!

Jace is pretending to sleep in this pic. Again, he thinks he is way too funny. Maybe he will be an actor????

Outside at last!!!

Jace has been much nicer to Ozzy in the last few weeks. He is very sweet and tells him he loves him and gives him hugs and kisses. Of course he still says 'no' and 'mine' just as often. He has started thinking of Ozzy more of a playmate though and loves to throw toys for him and is forever saying, 'C'mon BuBu'.

Fruit Snacks rule! Jace can put those suckers down like nobody's business!



Preston and Ashten's World said...

Dude you need to come down here...we just had three days in a row above day it was in the 70's....LOVE the warm weather...too bad now it is back to cold/snowy february!