Thursday, January 17, 2008


Mommy and Jace enjoyed a snow day today! It was great fun staying inside in the warmth and working on some skillzz! Jace is working very hard on perfecting his walking. Mommy made the mistake of trying to help him by letting him hold one of her fingers. Now he wants to hold on all the time---or he thinks it is a game and takes one step and dives into her arms! He is doing well though--he seems to walk further when he is in others company (not mommy's that is).

Mommy was trying to capture Jace in mid-step.....until Jace decided he wanted to take his hat off! Still a cute little booger.

Jace is becoming somewhat picky about what he eats. A significant contrast to the little boy of '07 who would eat absolutley anything you put in front of him. It could be the ears that are making for a smaller appetite. Mommy still would like it if Jace put on a few pounds however. She finally decided it may work best if he started trying to use his own spoon. He LOVES it and does very well. There are the occasional misfires that end up in the nose or eyes but that is to be expected from the unsteady hand of a 12 month old. It proved successful today as Jace ate the whole bowl of green goop in front of him. Shhh-don't tell Jace but Mommy would have tried to refuse it too!

Mommy would also like to point out which hand Jace is using to hold his spoon! Looks like he lucked out and Mommy will get to teach him how to shoot a basketball and hit a baseball. Not that Daddy's right-handed way is just can't hurt to learn from the very best!

To end Jace and Mommy's snow day, they (and Daddy) visited the ENT, only to be informed that Jace will indeed need tubes in his ears. They weren't infected today but there was enough fluid in there to confirm he is a good candidate. The surgery will probably be done a week from Monday. Hopefully then the little guy can get over this ear thing once and for all!!