Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Boy With Nine Lives (or at least four)...........

Yes, we have had several brushes with death this weekend. It appears Jace is somewhat cat-like and is able to bounce right back until there is another 'incident'. The first incident occurred while eating pizza--this is one of Jace's favorite foods so apparently more was going in (the mouth) than was actually being chewed and swallowed. Consequently Jace choked, Mommy panicked, Jace coughed, and the pizza came out without too much fuss.

Next, Mommy and Jace went to Walmart. Jace was not having the grandest of times to begin with--he signed 'all done' almost the whole time we were there because he thought that would get him out of the cart. By the time we got to the checkout, Jace really meant it when he said 'all done'--as Mommy is paying he proceeds to STAND in the cart. How he accomplished this, Mommy does not know. He was in the front part with his legs through the holes and suddenly there he was standing like superman. Again, he was sat back down with not much fuss. So later, Mommy and Jace are in a dressing room trying on clothes when Jace decides to try his superman stunt again only this time.....he dives. Yep, headfirst out of the stroller. Luckily, he has an allstar softball player of a Mommy who was able to do a sliding (literally) catch! Jace was caught upside down, was flipped over, and just stood there for literally almost 30 seconds while he and Mommy just stared at eachother in disbelief. Then....Jace slowly starts smiling. Little #$%^!
Who Me?

Anyway, Jace's final brush with the next life, occurred at supper. Yes, another choker--this time on a chicken strip. Mommy reached in, brushed his tonsils with her nails, and swept out the chicken. Ahhh, a day in the life of Jace!

In other Jace news, he now has 7 teeth. His second, top, front tooth finally came in so hopefully the ridiculing with stop (grandma and nana). He also got one of his molars. It was also decided that Jace is just too big for his duck tub (at least with all of his toys in it) so he made the switch to the big tub tonight. He has a brand new anti-slip Elmo mat to keep him from his 5th brush with death!
Out with the Duck, in with Elmo!

Jace's favorite new word is 'yes'. He still shakes his head 'no' all the time before he does something naughty but he likes to actually say 'yes'. It is pretty cute but not very accurate.

That's all the news from Jaceland. Until next time...........