Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Little Superman

Surgery............what surgery? Anethesia.............what anesthesia? Not gonna slow Jacer down! Jace had his tubes put in this morning around 7:15 and by 8:00 you wouldn't know he had been knocked out at all. He was a little hungry but as soon as he ate he was as good as new. He went with the nurses without a peep, went to sleep as soon as he got the gas mask and woke up 15 minutes later with no problems. The doctor saw that he was getting another ear infection (which Mommy had suspected) so it looked like he was tubed just in time!

When we got there this morning the doctor gave Jace this little bear dressed like a surgeon--too cute!

Since Jace was such a big boy today, him and Mommy went to McDonalds for lunch to get him his very first Happy Meal. It was a hit!

The flowers you can kind of see on the left were Mommy's roses she got from her boys (Daddy, Jace, and Ozzy) last week just cuz they appreciate her. What nice boys she has!

This afternoon, Jace's babysitter Lori and her son Sam (who Jace LOVES) came over to see him. They brought him a balloon and bear which he really liked. He was so excited to see them--although maybe a little confused because they are supposed to be at THEIR house.

Thanks to everybody for their concern and phone calls. Jace is lucky to have so many people that love him!