Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Terrible 2's Tantrum at 18-month pictures??????

Does anyone else find this title not to match up? Shouldn't Jace's tantrum have been at his 2-YEAR PICTURES? Apparently not--whoo it was a doozy! We tried a new place this time and were happy with the pictures but Jace seemed to have a little too much freedom. He thought it was great fun to run around and play with the photographers.............as long as they were playing what HE wanted to play. And of course Mommy should have known better than to expect the little prince to....gasp....change clothes! In the end, Jace ended up outside with Daddy while Mommy spent the money (which we all know is not an ideal situation). Anywho here are a few of the pics--we didn't order all of these but since we have a cd with about 500 proofs on it, Mommy was lazy and just picked a few.