Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hidden Talents---Revealed!

Jace and Mommy have been busy mixing, baking, frosting, and of course eating their newest fabulous creation! Of course this is just another hidden talent Mommy and Jace didn't know they had (kind of like tennis Aunt Erin). A portion of Saturday was spent with Mommy and J-man giving their first attempt at a Food Network hit! It could be televised right after Ace of Cakes (which must be where Mommy developed her skill) and called King and Queen of Cakes!

Mixing the batter--Jace was a little freaked out by the electric mixer--it's something he doesn't see Mommy using a whole lot!

Pouring into Elmo--hmmm looking pretty good!

Mixing the frosting with MANY different food colorings. Mommy shouldn't even admit this-- but after buying several different colors of food coloring for her frosting she was feeling pretty defeated when she got home and realized she had forgotten the white food coloring for Elmo's eyes! It literally took about 10 minutes of beating herself up before she remembered the frosting WAS white!

Yeah, Yeah that's cool Mommy.......wait......could it be??????????

YES! It IS Elmo!!!

MMMM, tasty too!

The End


Anonymous said...

The cake is great!! It brings back fond memories of sitting Grant and Cory on the kitchen table to make cookies-cut out sugar cookies are the best. What a mess-but what beautiful creations. Jace's expressions are priceless. Fabulous Aunt Kay