Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Birthday BuBu!

Ozzy turned 4 years old today and although he was feeling a little under the weather, he still managed to celebrate. He started his day with a nice long walk with Mommy and Jace. Next, he received several presents including some super yummy doggy treats Mommy and Jace picked up for him at the Farmer's Market last weekend. Ozzy then took a relaxing nap while Mommy and Jace went to the pool. Later in the afternoon, Daddy returned from work only to find Ozzy had been coughing for several hours. This resulted in a trip to the vet and several bottles of pills. To end Ozzy's day, Mommy made him a recipe from Rachael Ray's Doggie Dishes--Orzo with carrots, peas, and cheese....yumm. According to the recipe it is great for dogs and kids alike. Jace of course, turned his nose up at the sight of it. Oh well, more for Oz! Ozzy's final treat--a trip to the Dairy Queen--was put on hold until his cough gets a little better.

Our handsome 4-year-old! :)

What a good boy--letting Jace drive cars on his back!

Jace giving Ozzy one of his treats

Another example of what a good dog Oz is--sharing his pool with Jace!

Getting some Jace lovin' on his birthday

Jace even saved some lovin' for his mama

Ok the next 2 pictures are of Jace---sorry Oz for stealing your thunder for a moment.......

This is our studly little man playing with his manly cars on the front porch.................in Mommy's headband. Before we get any comments---HE CHOOSES to wear them!

Finally Mommy has gotten Jacer to drink juice. She tried EVERYTHING with no success.....until we found the 'baby' juice. They have the Gerber Baby on the bottle so for some reason Jace thinks these are acceptable. He requests them with a simple 'baby'. It also doesn't hurt that they look like 'big boy' bottles with no lid.

And back to the star of the day............Happy Birthday Oz!

Jace and Mommy will make attempt number 2 at having fun in KC on Thursday. Wish us luck and look for results in a few days!