Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, January 28th Jace had his tubes put in and March 4th (Tuesday) he had another ear infection! So, 2 sets of extremely expensive ear drops and a trip to the ENT later, Jace is again his happy self. Not that he was ever really unhappy but we could just tell something wasn't quite right. He was waking up about 1/2 hour early--which in Mommy time is 3 hours!--and wasn't shoveling in the food quite as fast. He was also having some drainage from his ear that was pretty persistent for over a week. Apparently the reason Jace had to get the tubes in the first place (the tiny ears Mommy inflicted him with) is the culprit of this newest infection and will probably continue to cause them. The good news is that since he has tubes in place he won't need antibiotics (only drops) and the fluid isn't affecting his hearing (although at times Mommy wonders with the volume Jace feels the need to jabber at)!
In other news, Jace and Mommy are off to visit Grandma and Grandpa F. this weekend. Grandma F. was once again experiencing a nasty case of missing Jace so Mommy decided to comply with Grandma's requests. Jace will also get to see his cousins as it is his cousin Emma's birthday. And soon, soon, soon Jace will be meeting up with his cuz's Maveric and Keenan on their Nebraska Adventure! Mommy and Jace can't wait so see you guys!!
Certainly many fun pictures will follow all of Mommy and Jace's travels. Until then...............


Anonymous said...

dear jace, just so you know..that wasnt nearly enough picture for my pre-vegas trip. when i come home (on wednesday) i expect an album! love, your favorite aunt (she who neednt be named)