Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Boy Who Cried Wolf......................

Well, we have 2 problems. Both problems stem from Jace's undying need for attention. It is becoming more and more apparent that he does not care who this attention comes from--meaning loved ones, aquaintances, or total stangers. At any rate, this does appear to be quite a dilema.
First, Jace got his hand stuck in the VCR a couple of months ago. Now many of you may be wondering why Mommy lets Jace stick his hand in the VCR--good question. Others may wonder why we haven't moved into 2008 and still have a VCR--good question. However, these points really are mute because that fact is that it happened. So Jace is standing there with his hand stuck in the VCR. He screams of course and looks to Mommy to make it all better. Mommy jumps up, pulls out his hand, and gives him a huge hug. Hmmmm, that really got a lot of Mommy attention. So, 2 seconds later, Jace's hand is back in the VCR. Once again Mommy jumps up, pulls out his hand, and gives him a hug. This time she does give him a stern 'no'. Hmmmm, more attention. So 3 seconds later, Jace's hand is again in the VCR. This time Mommy does nothing. Jace looks at her and screams AHHHHHH. Mommy does nothing. 2 seconds later, Jace calmly removes his hand from the VCR! It was never even stuck! This little boy really knows how to work the system! On and off for about 2 months Jace would try this trick of sticking his hand in and pretending to be stuck to get attention. There was only one time when Mommy felt slightly bad when it really did end up being stuck and poor Jace sat there screaming for several minutes. This is when Mommy felt it was best to introduce Jace to the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
On to our second problem. Jace is a social butterfly. This is a good thing but he has no concept--or fear of strangers. Friday, Jace, Mommy, and Daddy went out to dinner because.......well because it was Friday and that's what we do. It was about a 1/2 hour wait so Jace and Mommy sit down on a bench inside to wait. A girl about Mommy's age sits down next to them and gives Jace a smile. Wrong Move! Mommy could tell Jace instantly wanted more attention from this girl. For several minutes he kept looking at her trying to get her attention. Nothing. So finally what does he do? He jumps on her! Literally! She was very nice about it but it was a smidge embarrasing! Mommy kept apologizing and Jace kept pullling on the girl's coat and smiling at her! Finally, the girl's table was ready--much to her relief we're sure. The next talk with Jace will have to be on stranger safety!
That concludes Mommy's rambling for the evening. Now on to the fun---Jace pictures!!

While Mommy gets ready in the morning, Jace plays in the bathroom. He always has to get a headband out and put it on. How he even knows what to do with one is kind of puzzling since Mommy rarely wears one. Needles to say, he thinks he looks pretty cute!

What a great pair! Jace holds the bone while Ozzy chews. It's a great deal--Ozzy doesn't strain his neck leaning ALL THE WAY to the ground while Jace is occupied for several minutes! It's a win-win!

Jace being a very big helper--he did actually get out of his pajamas on this day. On Friday, Jace had a 'pajama day' with Daddy and hung out in them all day until.......it was time to go out to eat of course (because it was Friday)!

Mommy and Jace's self portrait--good looking pair huh!

Jace trying on his snowman hat. Great Aunt Rita sent Jace a super cool snowman kit that included this hat to put on your snowman. Jace of course thought he was absolutely hilarious putting it on himself!


Anonymous said...

thanks jacerator--liked the new pics!! a little sad i saw it so soon, though, and will probably have to wait another week before more arrive....love aunt erin :)