Monday, December 17, 2007

Jacer Racer goes to the Doctor

Jace visited the doctor today rather unexpectedly. He had been a huge pill all weekend at night---getting up around 11 times during the night on Friday just wanting to be held!! Saturday was a little better but Sunday night went even further downhill. Jace seemed to be tugging at his ear a little now and then as well. The weird part was that he was fine during the day for the most part. Mommy figured it was teething so she decided to go to work this morning. But mid-morning, Lori, Jace's awesome daycare lady called to say he had a low temp. Mommy figured what the heck, and took him to the doctor. Sure enough, he had a slight ear infection. Sorry Jace for the impatience at 3 am. Anyhoo, the trip to the doctor allowed Mommy to find out if she could switch Jace to milk a smidge early. The kid has been refusing his bottle for almost a month now. Apparently he thinks he is too grown up for that baby bottle. The doctor said it was fine and we could stop his formula cold turkey. Mommy, on the other hand, has to live with Jace and if he decides he does want a bottle in the next few weeks you can bet he will be getting one! He tried his milk for the first time tonight and he did pretty well--almost to the point of chugging for a minute! :)

Go, Go, Go!! Chug, Chug, Chug!!

This picture was included just to show how much Jace's Ozzylick (as we like to call it) is NOT getting any better. It just kind of swirls around to a point. Oh well--don't the females love cowlicks??

And this picture was included just to show how much of a cheeseball Jace is. Nice teeth dude.

The BFF's just hangin' out talking. Ozzy is becoming more fond of Jace as Jace has started to feed Ozzy from the table. Ozzy just stands right under Jace's highchair and waits for falling debris or the occasional handout from Jace. Tonight during supper Jace wanted to give Ozzy a piece of hamburger so he looked at me and said Woof?? (translation: Where is Ozzy so I can give him this piece of meat?)

That appears to be all the Jaceness we have for now. We finally decided on a camcorder and already have mucho videos to share but there seems to be a connection problem with Mommy's laptop. Not to worry--we will get it resolved soon hopefully. Aunt Erin tears into town tomorrow so Jace is ready for some fun.......and presents. :)


Anonymous said...

Yup J Man, its true, Aunt Erin is tearing into town tomorrow and she is EXTRA excited to see you! You might even get presents (several actually) if you are nice to her and dont pull her and hair and give kisses when directed. See ya tomorrow!

Preston and Ashten's World said...

Sorry dude about the ear infections...those stink...P