Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's New

This is what's new in Jace's world

Jace and Daddy have started a band-Jace plays the drums and Daddy....well Daddy IS the drums!

Jace has figured out how to make a HUGE mess multiple times in one day. He loves to unload absolutely everything from the microwave stand. As soon as we get it put back on, he starts over!!

Blah, Blah, this standing stuff is old news. BORING......... Now Jace has graduated to cruising along the furniture. He is becoming daredevilish enough to let go from time to time as well. Thank god for fluffy diapers to cushion his hiney!

Tomorrow is Purple Pride Day for UNI's homecoming--we will all be sporting our purple duds at work and daycare! Go Panthers!!