Sunday, May 6, 2007

Congratulations Aunt Erin!

Aunt Erin is officially a UNI alumni! She graduated on Saturday with a degree in Biology. She will continue to work in Cedar Falls for the summer (and be Jace's new roomie) and then start Chiropractic school in Kansas City in the fall. Daddy is especially happy to hear about Aunt Erin's future career as he loves chiropractors!
Graduation weekend started out with Jace getting to meet his Great Aunt Rita for the very first time! She lives in South Dakota and made the special trip back for Aunt Erin's graduation this weekend and Jace's baptism next weekend among other things. Great Aunt Rita likes to stay busy! The graduation ceremony was a little bit on the boring side for Jace.

He perked up somewhat after the ceremony to greet Aunt Erin.......

But was bored again soon and decided to take another snooze!

The time that Jace was awake involved laughing at Grandma and drooling uncontrollably on her shoulder (see figure A).
Figure A.

In between graduation and eating out Jace worked on his new skills.


Petting Oz.......however Ozzy doesn't look so pleased!

And experiencing wrapping paper for the first time.....Great Aunt Rita brought presents but the paper was a present in itself!

*Mommy also found out this weekend that she got the transfer she put in for at work! That means she gets to work in town next year instead of driving 40 minutes each way!! Jace will appreciate this as it means sleeping later in the morning!! Yay for less driving and more sleeping!!


Preston and Ashten's World said...

Looks like you had a busy weekend too!! Lots of fun...maybe with that silly aunt erin in KC--I may see you more! PReston