Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mommy's last week

It is Mommy's last week off work and luckily it has been a nice one. Jace has very much enjoyed getting outside in his stroller. Mommy even tackled taking Jace in the stroller and Ozzy on the leash at the same time. Ozzy wasn't sure why he had to go so slow but he was a good sport.

Jace also has a new 'talking' game he loves to play. Somebody says ahhhh to him and he will say it back. Of course this new found skill doesn't always come easy. He tries so hard and usually can get some sound out after a few tries. You can see the concentration on his face in the picture!! He rounds his lips and opens his mouth but just can't always coordinate everything to make a sound. Sometimes he even gets mixed up and sucks air in which really sounds funny!!

Of course after all of this playing he needs a good daddy shoulder to sleep on!!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! You are getting to be such a big boy!!! I can't believe you are jabbering away already!! We'll have to get together and talk soon!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Aunt Kay really enjoys this. Thanks for sharing. He gets cuter every day.